Zoom sessions
Schedule an internet session with Loren using Zoom.us meeting technology. Enjoy this flexible digital option for your own private home practice and you will feel like you are face to face.
Home visits
Training in the comfort of your home is an invaluable way to ensure that you get the specific care and attention you require, particularly if you have an injury or health condition. Fast track your progress and understanding of the fundamentals with support that's tailored to your level and without the inevitable limitations of a busy class environment.
Workplace Wellness
Invest in your team's wellness with bespoke online or onsite sessions including:
Yoga at your Desk ~ Office Mindfulness ~ Breathwork for Anxiety ~Yoga for Better Sleep.
Each session is designed specifically for your company, offering an insightful and engaging workshops that are relevant to what you do and what your team will benefit from. This can be offered as a one off or a weekly fixture.